Hardware support

The AlarmM application is able to support all kind of IP device. It has complet brand and model independancy, meaning that it is possible to mix different camera and sensor together. Support for hardware can be classified in three categories:

I. Modbus TCP Devices

AlarmM apps can be used with any standard Modbus TCP devices. It can read and write both digital and analog values. Modbus is by design very unsecure and the port number (502 default) should not be open to public. It's completly safe to use AlarmM application on the same network as the modbus devices. Since AlarmM is sending alarm with Phone Call, Text message or Email the local network remain completly isolated. Modern ethernet IO board are using the Http(s) protocols for communication which is more secure.

II. Onvif Device

The cameras following the ONVIF interface will be automatically detected and configured by the application. Click on the icon below to get more information about the conformant product list .

For example the application will be able to discover and configure motion detection, digital inputs and relay outputs. Discovery is done in severals step as shown in the video. First all the cameras on the network are discovered. After searching the new model name are added to the list off available camera with a question mark (?). Each one has to be edited in order to complete the configuration. The only information needed is the login and password of the camera.

Click on the AXIS logo to see some examples of ONVIF configuration.

III. Http(s) Device

The application can nativelly support all kind of Http devices. The list of available device is displayed in the drop down menu of the cameras setting. It is possible to add additional device to this list at runtime. Below in the brown table is the up to date list of hardware in the database.

The application has an option menu "Update All" which will download this list to the phone. Then new device can be used.

IV. Embedded device

Embedded camera parameters are contained in the core of the program. The camera model DCS-2130 and DCS-2210 are included in the basic programs.